To think without purpose is just thought. This type of thinking is a waste of time and energy, but to reflect is to think with intention and purpose. Whereas when in thought, memories of the past are revisited with the intention of healing, thus they serve a significant purpose. Just because we’ve forgotten doesn't mean we’ve healed. That trauma has still affected us in many ways that we are unaware of. It affects how we think, how we speak to ourselves and others, and how we perceive people and situations. It's only when we revisit those moments in history and heal what has left us fragmented or broken that we can become whole again.
Many overlook the art of healing, but it’s truly essential for our happiness. In the same way, we need to nourish the physical body we need to nourish and enrich the soul. Healing promotes lifestyle changes that are conducive to your soul expansion, mental and emotional freedom, and overall self-evolution. Unbeknownst to many, for we are often left intentionally undereducated, each energetic center in the body is linked to the positive and negative attributes we display in our everyday lives. When we experience trauma, the wounding from these painful experiences is too often left suppressed and unhealed, storing itself in our human anatomy, like debris, blocking our energetic centers, resulting in inhibition, negative outward expressions, and stagnancy in our physical everyday life.
These energy centers are linked to metamorphosis, much like the sun's fiery nature, they are a source of transformational fire. Healing on a soul or energetic level allows your energy to flow through your body freely without obstruction. The only way to heal these energetic blockages is to release those suppressed emotions we've hoarded for years and oftentimes centuries. Confronting our past traumas and allowing ourselves to healthily process those emotions through self-expression provides a release for those blockages by exhalation. The art of healing is an incorporation of all techniques diversified by culture.
Energetic blockages can pre-exist for millennia of lifetimes. Therefore healing isn't immediate and is linear; healing is constant. Healing should be perceived as a routine embedded into your lifestyle for we accumulate negative energy daily from simply being in environments and in the presence of others who carry density in their astral field. This is why the relationships we form with people are so significant as the company we keep can create stagnation in our own lives. Energy is indeed contagious and the preservation of our sacred energy is a priority if we want to remain in a state of oneness with all that is divinity and maintain wholeness.
The people and environments we choose to associate ourselves with carry vibrations as we all do. Negative vibrations can infiltrate our frequencies and this kind of interference is identified as dead weight that can cause us to become uncentered. Because we are all energetic beings, having a human experience, we begin to bond on an energetic level with those we surround ourselves with. This process is called subconscious energetic symbiosis. This is simply how we were designed. The theory of opposites attracts is true in the sense that we each identify as Yin or Yang energies. A healthy relationship can only occur between two energy bodies of opposite electrical charges. Only Yin and Yang energy can form a harmonious symbiotic union.
As we heal suppressed pain from past traumas we remove those obstructions and in the process of removing them, our energy can flow freely which causes us to align with our highest level of consciousness. The more we heal, the more our frequency rises. The more our frequency rises, the more we move into alignment with the Universe, God, and purpose. To align we must be actively and effectively healing. As we focus on aligning ourselves with our soul purpose, morality, and virtues employing healing, we align with the frequency of unconditional love; the frequency of God. In such alignment, we reach a level of alchemy that can only be achieved through the process of spiritual ascension and garner the ability to bend our reality. As co-creators, we have this God-given ability that is often left unutilized, or not utilized to its fullest potential.
Choosing to heal is choosing self-love. The more we focus on loving ourselves our mindset begins to shift and we embark on a journey of transcendence. We begin to choose change over suffering, growth over stagnation, love over misery, and peace over resentment, hatred, and anger. Healing moves us closer to authenticity. The more authentic we are, the more we are in alignment with our authentic soul selves.
Healing will help you become intensely mindful to the point it becomes effortless to achieve and sustain a balance between effort and surrender, making you a powerful Co-creator. Here are some methods of healing that have been proven to have a positive impact on my spiritual journey of ascension from oneness, into wholeness.
Yoga positions are excellent for improving your posture, opening up your body, and accosting your kundalini energy to help open your energetic centers and force debris out of your energetic centers through subtle pressure, allowing your energy to flow freely. A well-rounded yoga practice that includes asana and pranayama breathing techniques will assist in balancing the energy that lays dormant within and relieving your body of obstruction.
Meditation: Meditating allows you to regularly connect to your higher self and inner child to heal the negative emotions that you’ve been suppressing for so long, in which we tend to acquire a majority of our wounding from our very own childhood. Our early years or childhood stages are where we are most vulnerable and absorbent of the negative influences around us, which is why there’s that saying that goes, “Your child’s brain is like a sponge”. Meditation is a way to connect with and communicate with yourself about these past traumatic experiences and transmute the emotions attached to them metaphysically. It also acts as a channel to source; God itself.
Journaling: Journaling is a form of written creative expression that allows us to reflect on those painful experiences through memory and release them through transformative writing. It’s long been said that there is power in writing, the same way there is power in verbal affirmative statements. Journaling allows you to feel the emotions that surface from those recollections and transform those emotions through rewriting your story, literally. The key to journaling is always to start with writing about the negative feelings and impact that derived from that experience and end with a positive takeaway and a feeling of gratitude for the experience and positive impact it has had on your life. This also helps bring you to a new level of awareness that ultimately transforms your perspective of that same experience.
Shiatsu: This holistic healing method helps you balance the energy flow of the body and direct it towards the point in the body that needs healing. Having its origins in Japan, Shiatsu ensures that there is harmony between the mind and the body. The shiatsu therapy boosts the energy levels of the body and hinders negative vibes that disturb the core of the body whilst repairing any damage caused by sickness or stress.
Reiki Healing: Reiki healing is a type of therapy that relates to energy healing. The Reiki healing method works in a way that transfers energy from the spiritual healer’s palm to the energy fields around the body of the person receiving it. The Reiki healing technique ensures that there is a balance in the energy distribution around the body. Bringing peace, relaxation, and general wellness. The Reiki healing method is a sought-after healing method in the world today.
Shamanic Healing: Apart from being a religion, Shamanism has also been shown to be a great source of healing, especially for stress-related and spiritual maladies. Shamanic healing works by removing energies that are termed unwanted in the body and replacing them with the right and therapeutic energies that promote healing. Shamans heal by calling on helpful spirits of the divine, for God is not one but all, to heal the sufferer’s spirit first, which then reflects into the physical healing of the body.
Aromatherapy has been widely embraced for generations as opposed to orthodox medicine. Essential oils from plants are extracted and distilled. These oils are then either inhaled or used as massage oils on the skin and have the ability to heal from the core.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an effective remedy for invoking our innate healing abilities as it stimulates the central nervous system through trigger points in the body. This stimulation causes the body to release chemicals into the brain, spinal column, and muscular system that stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and the release of accumulated and unwanted energetic debris.
Cranial Sacral Therapy: Cranial sacral therapy is a holistic spiritual approach that focuses on activating the crown chakra located at the cranial this therapy can be seen as a form of Reiki healing as the energy transmitted from the cranial sacral therapist creates a pathway to the realm of the spiritual, unlocking past life memories and stimulating your bodies natural healing abilities to be a natural process of past life regression. Suppressed memories affect the brain's cognitive abilities.
Holistic Chiropractic Therapy: Holistic Chiropractic treatment is similar to shiatsu in such a way that this type of healing deals with trigger points surrounding the spinal column. Upon stimulating these trigger points your body's innate healing abilities are activated, the body begins its natural process of self-correction and the spinal column slowly re-aligns to its natural state.
Connecting with Nature: Did you know that there is only 19% of oxygen in the ozone layer? Due to pollution the remaining 81% percentage of oxygen has depleted over the centuries and is currently made up of carbon. Traveling to places where there is a high concentration of vegetation increases the amount of oxygen our bodies can absorb and distribute throughout the body. The human body takes about 2,000 gallons of oxygen daily. Oxygen is essential for brain development and other bodily functions. Through this immense amount of absorption, the body can heal itself at rapid rates.
Exercise: Modifying the physical activity you choose to indulge in can make all the difference when you're ready to take that step towards inner balance and wholeness. Exercise provides more than benefits relating to physicalities. Exercise also regulates and has the potential to improve mental and emotional health as it has been proven to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety as well as cognitive function.
Eating Habits:
This cannot be over-emphasized. Research has shown that just by changing the diet of a patient, illnesses can be treated. God has given us all that we need to sustain our physical health. The fruits, vegetables, and herbs that he has provided have properties that are conducive to healing when our health has been compromised. Changing our eating habits can hugely reverse sicknesses and even aid us in the healing of the soul. Eating habits are a great way of ensuring healing comes from within.
Self-mastery in the matter of mindfulness, consistency, and self-discipline is the key to effective healing. Nothing is ever as challenging as it seems. The ego tells us it’s challenging and we believe it because somewhere along the line of evolving we’ve lost control of body and mind. This journey is a process of our highest level of consciousness regaining control of body and mind through consistent release to achieve total re-alignment. Like a planetary alignment, our physical aspect of self, and all dimensional selves leading up to our highest level of consciousness must be in complete alignment to achieve a state of oneness with all, and a state of wholeness, completeness, and equilibrium within.
Healing isn’t linear so neither should your practices. Utilizing all methods of healing will prove to be most effective for the betterment of you. It’s all about moderation and self-discipline. Life becomes effortless as you ascend to higher levels using the art of healing. How you perceive things now will differ immensely, and it’s a known fact that the joy of life starts with perception. Happiness is simply a derivative of our perception and reaction to life’s challenges. When we reach a state of alchemy we no longer have to work as hard in the physical because we have unleashed the power of the imaginative mind, and the mind will now work for us rather than it working against us.
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