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Asanti Grisolm and Abdullah Qureshi • October 30, 2023


Our thoughts are not our own. Thoughts are energetic downloads implanted by angels of God and demonic entities, those not of God.  With these thoughts, we can exercise free will and choose good paths or bad ones.  Every time we succumb to negative influence we feed our egos, our karmic density grows larger and our hearts weigh heavier for our hearts bear the weight of our sins for which we will be judged. Why does the Father allow such thoughts? Because everyone who walks this earth must be tested. The test never ends. We are continuously being tested not so that Father can be aware of where we stand but for our self-awareness for Father knows all. Everyone here is here for a particular reason. We've abused love and power, cheated, lied, stolen, etc. We've fallen out of alignment with Father's good grace, we've fallen out of alignment with the frequency of love. To fall out of this alignment is to take a big fall from heaven. The only souls who are not here for that reason alone are here voluntarily as the watchers. Those who seek justice, rehabilitation, and restoration for humanity. Thus we have come to assist all the fallen, those who are blinded by lust, money, and power. Those who have lost their way and stumbled into the valleys of the shadows of death are beyond hopeless in return. Thus we have come to be their guiding light out of the trenches into the mountain peaks.

The war between angels and demons will never cease to exist. This is the way of the Universe —  the way of balance. We are on a celestial battleground, a place where the cosmic forces of evil wage an eternal struggle for supremacy. In this gripping saga, your thoughts are not your own, but rather the whispers of angels and the snares of demons, each vying for your allegiance, with your thoughts being radio-like frequencies in a world with divine messengers and cunning demonic forces. Angels, emissaries of God, send energetic downloads brimming with guidance, hope, and virtue. Simultaneously, lurking in the shadows, demonic entities, those estranged from the divine light, seek to implant thoughts of deceit, malice, and temptation. 

It's a battlefield of the mind, and the victor depends on our choices. Our gift of free will is the ammunition in this war. With every thought, we are given the power to choose between the paths of light and deathly hollow. Whenever we fall prey to the call of negativity, we unwittingly contribute to the growth of our egos and accumulate karmic baggage, like stones in a sack carried upon our souls. The more we yield to these dark impulses, the heavier our hearts become, weighed down by the sins we've accumulated, awaiting the day of judgment. 

You have an angelic guidance team perched on your right shoulder, armed with wisdom and compassion. These are the voices that encourage you to be kind, honest, and courageous. They whisper in your ear inspiring acts of love and selflessness, leading you down the path of goodness and virtue. These angels of wisdom are the champions of empathy, steering you towards decisions that nurture your soul and the world around you. They ask you to think twice before speaking, to consider the consequences of your actions, to embrace the values of patience and overstanding, and to succumb to the vibration of love.

On your left shoulder, the ego that hoards the demons of temptation resides. These are the seductive voices that lure you toward selfishness, deceit, and short-term gratification. They cunningly manipulate your desires, pushing you to take that extra piece of cake, make a dishonest shortcut, or say something hurtful in the heat of the moment. These demons are the embodiment of impulse, representing our primal instincts and desires. They encourage immediate pleasure, even at the expense of long-term happiness. The demons are the ones who whisper, "Just this once won't hurt," or "What no one knows can't hurt them." They tempt you with sweet lies that, in the end, lead to guilt, regret, and a tarnished spirit. 

Why, you might wonder, does the Creator allow such a cosmic battlefield within our minds? The answer is both profound and simple: everyone on this earthly journey is here to evolve. The trials we experience will remain ongoing and perpetual so that we can continue to expand our highest level of consciousness so that we can grow wiser and inevitably become unyielding in faith and will. 

Every one of us possesses a distinct reason for our existence. We've all stumbled, stumbled repeatedly, and strayed from the path of love, deviating from the frequency of grace. The guardians of the world, angels and deities alike, have come to be your savior — savior be from that which is yourselves. We are here to assist you, and to be your guiding light. People who've been blinded by greed, power, and negativity shall be led back to the path of goodness and love.

In a world awash with greed, power, and lust, many have lost their way, stumbling into the valleys of the shadows of death. For those who have sunk deep into the abyss, redemption might seem unattainable. But we are the beacons of hope, for all the wandering souls as the battle between your hearts and minds rages on. With self-awareness and the guidance of benevolent watchers, we can find our way back to the path of light and love. The key to maintaining balance in this cosmic conflict is to become more aware of the battle itself. By recognizing the subtle influences at play in your thoughts, you can become better equipped to make conscious choices regain control over your mind, and get on the path of righteousness.

So, the next time you feel torn between right and wrong, kindness and selfishness, remember the silent war. It's a constant reminder that your thoughts, though influenced by celestial forces, can ultimately be harnessed to shape a better, brighter future for yourself and for the entire world. Embrace the wisdom of the angels, resist the temptations of the demons, and watch the victory of good over evil unfold in this wonderous world of opportunity for pure life.

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