Showing appreciation is expressing gratitude. It is a feeling of being grateful and appreciative of the acts of others and displaying thankfulness. Showing appreciation entails recognizing what someone has done to the extent of being thankful for it. It is a selfless act of emotional gratitude, acknowledgement, and sensitive awareness.
This form of gratitude makes us seek the giver and show acts of thankfulness without equating them to indebtedness. The feeling of indebtedness is borne out of the obligation to compensate or repay one for the help rendered to us and is a feeling we want to avoid as it may make one avoid the benefactor and prevent them from expressing gratitude altogether.
Appreciation is a kind of feeling that improves our sense of well-being and helps us build better social relationships. It involves benevolence, recognition, friendliness, devotion, interest, and respect. It can also be seen as putting the proper values on people and things, which helps motivate others, boost morale and build trust.
Let’s talk about the importance of showing appreciation.
Effect On Mood & Mindset: Showing appreciation improves our mindset, helps us understand people, and generally uplifts our mood. People tend to perform better when appreciated. It improves our well-being and helps create a happy motivational environment in which we harness to excel.
Connection: Showing appreciation helps to build a more stable connection between individuals. It shows you recognize their work and acknowledge their efforts they’ve put forth and it let’s them know how pleased you are with their gestures, which helps create a valuable relationship.
Impact On Positivity: Displays of gratitude improves our mood and helps us focus on more positive things than we do negative. It improves our innovative mindset and allows us to generate new ideas. We tend to be more satisfied and creative when appreciated.
Impact On Trust: People who show appreciation and are appreciated establish a more trustworthy relationship. They improve confidence and reliance in themselves and in the relationship they share with the appreciator.
How To Show Appreciation
Celebrate Success: Acknowledge even the smallest of accomplishments and celebrate it. Everyone wants to be acknowledged for their achievements and congratulated or celebrated for it. It’s in our human nature.
Give Gifts: Gifts are one of the most popular ways to show appreciation. Give a thoughtful gift as a gesture of appreciation and remember gifts are more meaningful when they come from the heart space. Gifts given with intention to invoke emotional responses by simply being open and genuine are priceless. I always include notes in my gift giving so not only am I implementing one but two forms of love languages. (gift giving—words of affirmations)
Use Words of Gratitude: Practice kindness and appreciation by using words of gratitude like "thank you" and "please". This instills value in your relationships. People respond positively to words of gratitude and are likely to adapt this healthy habit and use it on others.
Show Interest: Develop an intentional attitude of interest towards the ones you love and show interest in what they are doing. Take notice and show them how proud you are and encourage and inspire them frequently.
Let’s normalize showing appreciation not just for our materialistic possessions but to the important people in our lives as well. Let’s normalize making people feel valued. Not everyone is replaceable and it’s important to express those sentiments. True connections founded in the basis of unconditional love is a rare yet intriguing find, and if adequately nurtured, will bloom ever so exquisitely. Thus these connections should never be taken for granted.
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