Many men go to great lengths to build their physique, enhance their social status by the accumulation of financial wealth, wear designer clothes, and drive luxury cars to make themselves more desirable to women when in fact, it’s the personality and character traits that we divine feminines or alpha females are baited to. True wealth is determined by the purity of our hearts, divinity of our souls, and righteousness of the mind. A true divine feminine overlooks all superficial pretenses and feels what’s inside. We look within and in an instant, we can determine compatibility without a second glance because we are connected and we are the epitome of feminism and divinity. Status and value are coherent with your emotional, mental and spiritual inclination not solely on physicalities or your ability to maintain independence.
Here are 12 character traits alpha females find attractive;
1. Spiritual: A great leader is one who is connected to the realm of the spiritual, and has formulated a deep bond with God itself. He has reached a peak of self-actualization and recognizes that home and marriage cannot be successful in the absence of the presence of the Father and is led by intuition and wisdom not simply logic and reasoning. A divine feminine prefers a man who is deeply spiritual for only those who are deeply spiritual possess the knowledge necessary to adequately lead her and their household through endless victories. At the peak of his ascension, he will know the true definition of love and with whom and how to give it purely and unconditionally. Only a man who is deeply spiritual can possess unlimited open-mindedness and lead with his heart rather than from a place of ego and pride. She prefers a man who has an excellent relationship with God, for a man with such a relationship overstands that God's presence must be prevalent so that his home may flourish with an abundance of peace, love, happiness, and sovereignty.
2. Intellectual: Divine Feminines prefer intelligent men. Education and intelligence quite frankly are two different definitions entirely. Education is formal and comes from a thorough knowledge of books previously read. Intelligence however derives from successfully overcoming experiences and adapting new skills that provide insight on how to positively navigate through life in a way that’s most effective or beneficial for himself and his family without compromising his virtue or integrity. Divine feminines are undeniably conspicuous sapiosexuals desiring to be in the loins of a man who is a constant seeker of wisdom and can hold intelligent conversations. To divine feminines, this is a man who is worth keeping and this is a relationship that will result in effortless longevity.
3. Humorous: Laughter is such an intricate part of our lives and is an elixir for eternal youth. It is the number one counter-action to stress and fuel for happiness. A man who can amuse a divine feminine with his sense of humor is one memorable and lovable man. Remember, “Ladies just want to have fun.” The best memories are usually the ones filled with love and laughter.
4. Humble: The way a man carries himself determines the type of woman he attracts. Divine feminines are attracted to men who carry themselves like gentlemen, not as boasters, hustlers, or promiscuous flirts. We are repulsed by egotistical behaviors and slurs and don’t identify with arrogance or toxicity of any kind. A man of humility isn’t loud, but silent and observant of all his surroundings because he overstands that silence is golden. He doesn’t need to boast because he’s confident with himself and is very much aware of his capabilities and his sense of self-worth isn’t derived from his acquired materialisms or career-related accomplishments. A boastful man is masking feelings of inferiority and unworthiness; masking his low self-esteem, but a humble man is a man whose energy lights up the room for it will be apparent in the way that he talks, walks, and his overall interactions with people.
5. Balanced: Balance is a significant factor in living a life of fulfillment. Divine Feminines gravitate towards stability. A man who is emotionally, mentally, financially, and physically healthy and stable is a man who can effectively process his emotions and definitively manage his finances appropriately. Temperamental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and irritability are non-existent. A man who isn’t stable or balanced is unsuitable to lead a household if he doesn’t even have the capacity to manage his own emotions, and finances with efficacy. A man who is mentally and emotionally stable is well-endowed. This is someone who has evidently done the inner work necessary so as not to enter a new relationship with external baggage; he enters in all his state with internal wholeness and freedom. When we enter relationships with external baggage we are entering relationships that are presumed valuable with an accumulated negative density that ultimately deteriorates the bond we share with those we love. He is aware that relationships can be bogged down in density when we enter with unhealed wounds from past traumas or experiences.
6. Mature: Divine feminines are emotionally mature females who bask in and exude femininity thus they are a gravitational force for men who are elevated in rank with regard to emotional maturity and exude masculinity. Divine masculinity isn’t defined as the societally conditioned normality of the suppression of emotions. Divine masculinity isn't exhibited by the use of dissociation to avoid feelings or heart-centered emotions, it’s the adherence to spiritual truth and wisdom; a devotion to heart and soul. Divine masculinity is characterized by accountability taking and the exertion of emotional intelligence. An emotionally mature man doesn’t act from a place of hurt, pain, or anger but from a place of intuition and love. An emotionally mature man isn’t driven by his ego but driven by his heart. He is capable of healthily processing his feelings and expressing his emotions with honesty and is completely transparent. He isn’t argumentative or a complainant and harbors no feelings of resentment because his devotion to positive and effective communication is absolute and he is a resolutionist who refrains from drama and toxicity.
7. Dependable: A divine feminine is attracted to a man of dependability. A dependable reliable man is a great leader and father figure and overall role model and positive impact on their community. This is a man who leads by example and he is to be respected and appreciated and she will acknowledge his efforts, never withholding her affections at the slightest. Divine Feminines need to be sure that they can depend on you to stand by them in times of turbulence as they would you in times of momentary difficulties.
8. Supportive: Divine Feminines need someone supportive. There is a basic human need for emotional support and encouragement. A man who is supportive of all her endeavors whether personal or business-related is a man who is not only to be respected but to be appreciated and honored and held in high regard. No female wants a man who is in opposition to everything she does and desires to accomplish for herself. He should accept her and support her and only a man who has accepted himself and supports himself through a devotion of self-commitment can provide such support. He will inspire her to pursue all of her dreams and his love will guide her to God; to purpose. A supportive masculine will never be in opposition to her passions, creativity, career choices, and how she chooses to evolve.
9. Resourceful: A resourceful man is one with exquisite problem-solving capabilities. Rest assured if you're in a dilemma he can lead you to a concise resolution. He can think quickly and is capable of utilizing a combination of his logic and intuition as well as analytical thinking skills to help you recover from any setback.
10. Reciprocal: Divine Feminines adore reciprocated love. This only fuels their passion and desire to keep giving love unconditionally and nurturing your needs and wants and fulfilling all of your desires. She will value him as she does herself foremost and although his self-worth requires no external reinforcement she will exert herself and give her masculine praise in every possible moment. A reciprocal man will acknowledge her value and give her all she deserves and exceed her expectations as she also takes pleasure in exceeding his.
11. Vulnerable: Vulnerability is one of the ultimate trust builders and is never undervalued in the eyes of a Divine Feminine. Divine Feminines are magnetized by vulnerability and sensuality. We love a man who isn’t afraid of touching the grounds of emotional intimacy; a man who is open to receiving pure unconditional love. She wants to experience an even exchange of dark truths, wildest fantasies, and past pains without fear of judgment, but with deep acceptance and overstanding. A man who exercises transparency has proven himself to be undoubtedly trustworthy. He doesn’t withhold information because he doesn’t associate himself with societal paradigms that tell us “Don’t ask, don't tell”. He knows that being transparent and exhibiting vulnerability is the best way to build trust and intimacy in the relationship.
12. Loyal: A divine feminine is one of the most loyalist females you will ever encounter so naturally she’d desire the same in return from her consort. Her consort or divine masculine in her eyes is seen as her kingdom spouse, one chosen by God and she will be eternally devoted to him but requires the same devotion and loyalty in return by her standards. A divine feminine deserves a divine masculine who is committed and faithful, someone who warrants the name for the role of a divine masculine, and the title isn’t of regularity but one of spiritual hierarchy and sovereignty. A loyal man is committed to himself and loyal to himself first thus he can share these admirable qualities he possesses in divine courtship. He will defend her and rally for her, and praise her, even in her absence and she will do the same.
Make no mistake that everything a divine feminine requires in a consort she can and willingly and pleasurably reciprocate. She is in alignment with purpose, and herself and possesses a oneness with the Universe and the creator alike. She is both righteous and divine and is a giver of love and a taker of none. Simple femininity holds no torch for she is positively occult and devout in spirituality. She is the epitome of self-love with unwavering compassion and exists in the absence of likeliness for there is no comparison. She walks righteously in all her integrity and dignity and glows incandescently for she is the epitome of grace and informality.
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