What Is Anxiety?
Anxiety is defined by the American Psychological Association as an emotion that is portrayed by feelings of worry, and tension. As social and cognitive beings, we may occasionally get anxious about situations, or events in life. Anxiety disorders range from mild to severe worry. Popular approaches for anxiety therapy include psychological and pharmaceutical remedies. These approaches have not established the main cause for anxiety but have provided makeshift succor for anxious patients in the form of tranquilizers and mind therapy.
What Is The Root Cause of Anxiety?
Using the spiritual approach to treat anxiety is not yet widespread. However, many people suffering from anxiety have found cures through spiritual remedies. The spiritual approach to anxiety seeks to explain the underlying causes of anxiety and identify effective methods for eliminating the root cause to alleviate the disorder in its entirety. From a spiritual standpoint, the accumulation of hoarded stress passed down from generation to generation affects the nervous system and alters how we respond to outside stimuli. Fight or flight responses such as anger, fear, and worry become systematic normality.
Those who aren’t living in the present are being dictated by their past or living in anticipation of their future and those who live a life without unwavering faith are dictated by fear and doubt. Someone who truly has faith lives a life without fear or doubt even during times of “chaos” because we recognize that the chaos we see in the physical realms of man is not real. If you are a firm believer in God then you will register and adhere to the belief that everything that occurs in our lives is a force that pushes us forward in the right direction. God will never forsake us, we forsake ourselves through our inability to let go of what no longer serves. We self-sabotage the good in our lives through disobedience and immoral character.
How To Break Free From Anxiety?
Those who live life honestly and with integrity and faith have no reason to worry. There is a deep sense of awareness in knowing that whatever is happening is happening for the betterment of our lives and not for the detriment of it. Like people, experiences serve an important purpose in our lives and if we are wise enough to take heed to the lesson and move forward whilst utilizing the information learned, success and happiness for us are inevitable. Never allow yourself to worry about the events today and be robbed of the joys of the present and tomorrow. Never be so unsatisfied with your life that you live in the absence of gratitude because misery starts where gratitude ends.
Power of Now ''
by Eckhart Tolle is a great book that has helped change the lives of many and has helped me combat anxiety and rid myself of it permanently at the beginning of my spiritual journey of ascension. To overcome anxiety you must be committed to self-growth and
self-love, and most importantly you must be committed to the will of God. The
art of self-healing will be your most powerful resource and guide to the beginning of your journey toward self-improvement and ultimately self-evolution.
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