“Many people have a tormentor in their head that continuously attacks and punishes them and drains them of vital energy.” - Eckhart Tolle
Like inertia, this negative voice wields a force that resists the motion to move forward with that great idea, get closer to our goals, and prevents us from removing ourselves from situations that we need to let go of. It’s the lack of gratitude, patience, and underlying fear and self-doubt that keeps our happiness tied to our expectations of the future which are often unrealistic.
Thoughts like “I would be happy if I had more money”, will have a way of depriving you of appreciating the little things that make the “NOW” worthwhile. The future is a representation of our imagination and a reflection of our decision-making. Happiness begins in the present moment when we choose to operate from a place of gratitude and exercise patience, allowing us to surrender to the will of God so that we can experience a lifetime of peace. Tranquility is just a few steps beyond your compulsive negative thinking patterns.
When we’re not anxiously expecting, and waiting, we become a gravitational force for all things desired and manifested through conscious thoughts, belief, positive action, and decisiveness. But when we are living in survival mode, we develop a lack mentality, and that lack mentality of always needing and wanting more is an insatiability that keeps us discontented with ourselves and with life. Settling for life without happiness, love, and peace has become far too common in this modern age society, yet these 3 things are essential for our very existence. They are essential to our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. To live a life free from the burdens of the world is possible and has been accomplished by many who have opened the doorway to spirituality and the acknowledgment of spiritual wisdom and truth.
Operating from a place of lack is equivalent to operating from a place of ingratitude. Much like sound, every emotion carries a frequency or a vibration and when we dwell in those emotions we emit that vibration into the Universe, and the Universe, by God’s design, will match those vibrations and we become a magnet for either lower vibrational experiences or high vibrational experiences. The highest frequency we can all embody is the frequency of God itself and that is love, and in addition to love we have the option of embodying other high vibrational frequencies such as joy, peace, gratitude, and compassion. Emotions such as ingratitude, anger, jealousy, and grief emit lower vibrational frequencies and when we exhibit these emotions we become a magnet for lower vibrational experiences. In choosing gratitude, patience, selflessness, peace, compassion, and love we choose happiness. These emotions carry the energy of abundance and when emitting these frequencies, the Universe responds and returns what we have emitted abundantly.
Stop the cycle by becoming consciously aware of your thought patterns and begin healing at the soul level to raise your energetic frequency by transcending your thought processes, and revolutionizing your lifestyle. Healing at the soul level invokes healing on a cellular level which ultimately reconstructs your DNA. Through the process of healing, it becomes something as easily done as easily spoken. This type of change is nearly impossible to accomplish without
the art of healing because there are old belief systems that need to be released or let go of before we can adopt new ones. These belief systems were formed during phases of our childhood through parental and societal influence and traumatic experiences. Through the process of healing, you can move forward through life with perseverance, gratitude, patience, and faith and you’ll never need or want anything more than what you have right now that makes you a magnet for miracles, it makes you a magnet for receiving, it magnetizes you for abundance.
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