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Asanti Grisolmn and Gloria Orogun • May 16, 2022

It is said that some lives are linked across time. Connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages.” Some people say that our soulmates are pre-decided even before we come into the world and when we meet them, we just know.  It’s like destiny! Unbeknownst to many, we can have multiple soul mates, and these soul mates can appear as romantic partners, family members or friends in which we share very uniquely similar energetic frequencies. The desire to find our soulmates is a wish we all share in common, but it doesn’t always happen in terms of romance. Before you and your soulmate met on this plane, you knew one another from another, possibly many, previous lifetimes, and you both are destined to meet again and reunite in the next. 

Your soulmate is a person with whom you have a feeling of deep or natural affinity. Soulmate relationships involve love, romance, intense similarity, extreme comfort, sexuality, spirituality, friendship, and heavy compatibility. Soulmate relationships embody unconditional love and teach us the lessons we need to evolve the soul and cause necessary changes to happen in our lives for the betterment of it and the betterment of mankind. For most, this change will take place during a process of spiritual ascension. Although these connections may end due to conditioned behavioral patterns that complicate the dynamic duo, the love they feel for one another is undying. 

Will I find my soulmate?


Everyone can find their soulmate, but we must first over-stand that we were not meant to be alone. Souls are born in 3’s, and lovers, created in pairs for a reason. The purpose for our relationships is not just to meet our individual needs. Relationships are meant to be meaningful and mindful and even exchange between two people that inspires growth and expansion on multi-dimensional planes.  There is no perfect age or time to meet your soulmate, there is only divine timing. It's a matter of self-evolution  and soul expansion. 

If you believe there’s no one out there for you or that you’ll never meet anyone that you can call your life partner then you're doing yourself an extreme disservice.  Why do you feel unworthy of love? For love is the very emotion in which we were created. This subconscious self-sabotaging behavior is one of the many blockages we experience in our lifetimes that keep us from encountering our romantic soulmates. These feelings of unworthiness can keep anyone from receiving the type of love they truly desire. 

It’s a matter of mindset, or law of attraction.  We must first become that which we want to attract. Thus in order to receive better we must become better. Why would the  creator give you a gift that you were incapable of sustaining or keeping? It would be nonsensical, would it not? One cannot sustain a relationship without the  proper knowledge and self-development.  Preparation or alignment with what and who we want to receive is the key. The Universe, in all its intricate yet complex algorithms, will only allow all those who match our energetic frequencies to gravitate towards us.   

Many have misconceptions or limited belief systems  about love and relationships, and toxic behavior patterns that still exist within their foundation. But where these things exist love cannot. Love requires a stable foundation in the absence of toxic behavior and limited beliefs, in the absence of pride, ego and fear and misconceptions. Love needs a foundation of trust, respect, faith, loyalty, emotional and mental stability, and interdependency. So the reality is most people desire what they aren’t yet ready for. 

Are there different types of soulmates?

Soulmate relationships are not always romantic. As mentioned earlier we have multiple soulmates and they come in different forms. 

  • Romantic Soulmates: Romantic soulmates are all about love and romance. They ignite one another’s passion in these relationships and experience a strong level of physical and emotional intimacy and connectedness.  Time and separation does not affect the depth of the connection these types of soulmates share. You can disconnect from a romantic soulmate for years and suddenly reunite yet it’ll feel as if you’ve never gone a day without speaking. You’ll experience synchronicities in ideas, goals and aspirations. 


  • Companion Soulmates: These soulmates are all about friendship. Like romantic soulmates, they too, can ignite each other’s passions and jive with each other’s creativity. They can make us laugh when we’re in pain and oftentimes, much like romantic soulmates, time and separation does not affect the depth of the connection. You’ll have so much in common yet appear to be polar opposites. You’ll leverage out each other’s strengths and weakness. 

  • Kindred Soulmates: These soulmates can be relatives. You both agree on all of the small and big things and are often in sync when it comes to goals and aspirations in life. You may even share common life purposes and experiences much like romantic and companion soulmates. The bond you share will be stronger than your bonds with other family members and you may find yourselves cliquing up, as you’d prefer to hang out with one another rather than hang with your other relatives. 


We should all know that we don’t need soulmates to complete us. That completion comes from within. Think of it as the icing on your already fully baked and delicious cake. We are likely to encounter more than one soulmate in our lifetime. It’s truly a blessing in disguise as they tend to evolve us in ways that we never thought we could without even trying. It’s possible that you can evolve beyond your soulmate so much that you and your soul mate are no longer energetically aligned, or compatible. People grow apart but that’s okay, just sit back and enjoy the beautiful ride that is life because there is more where they came from! 

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