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Asanti Grisolmn and Gloria Orogun • May 16, 2022

What Is A Spiritual Awakening And Ascension? 

Spiritual awakening and ascension help us discover who we truly are at the soul level, and our true purpose here on Earth. These two processes can be triggered by certain situations and people who enter our lives. This is not always easy as it causes us to face those parts of ourselves that've been dormant since childhood; parts of ourselves we’ve been running from for most of our lives. What our spiritual awakening fails to accomplish, our spiritual ascension journey makes up for it in brute strength. Both spiritual awakening and spiritual ascension are the evolution process of self that entails heightened general and self-awareness, internal helping, and immense growth that aims to merge us with a supreme power; my father, one known to man by many names.

The Difference Between Spiritual Awakening And Spiritual Ascension 

Even though the two terms are used synonymously, they are uniquely different. Awakening is a process of self-discovery and improved social awareness that usually begins to take place from birth, but ascension is a process of heightened intuition and self-awareness. One that leads to oneness, wholeness, and completeness of oneself, one of self-mastery. The acknowledgment of our spiritual awakening begins the moment we take a step back and begin to view our lives with a new sense of being. This experience can be mildly unnerving at first, causing us to question who we are and why we’re here.  Most people never awaken to this truth and are bogged down by distractions, addictions, and overall toxicity. 

Thus most people fail to reach a spiritual inclination where Ascension begins. It's in the process of spiritual ascension that we grasp a deeper sense of purpose, whereas, during the process of spiritual awakening, we've only uncovered the surface. Higher levels of spiritual awakenings are often triggered by
karmic partners; people we encounter along our journey of self-discovery that help teach us about ourselves and push us further into self-love. Karmic partners are meant to be the doorway to deeper personal growth. These encounters tend to become quite turbulent if we unintentionally develop emotional attachments that only act as a deterrent to our self-discovery process and hinder us from reaching that pivotal of self-love. 

Using discernment will have us acknowledge when it's time to let go. Letting go is a very intricate part of life and knowing when to hold on because there is much that you've yet to learn and when to let go because the partnership no longer adds value is crucial to our existence. As we continue to move forward into higher levels of self-love and self-discovery we often find ourselves in the presence of a divine counterpart also modern agely known as twin flame or we find ourselves amid our soul mates. These encounters are very much divine and have a concentrated focus on triggering our spiritual ascension. Our spiritual ascension journey provides a sense of clarity about your spiritual gifts as they are heightened and we evolve into them with deep acceptance for all. 

What Is Spiritual Ascension? 

Here is where our purpose is outlined and we develop a deep overstanding of who we are and why we came to be. It's in the process of ascension that we develop our plan to fulfill our soul mission or purpose and begin to execute it. This is where those shadow aspects of ourselves are brought to light and the future of our lives unfolds as we shed old conditioner behavior and beliefs and relinquish the ego to make space for love. This is where we move forward into oneness and unity, discarding duality. This is where we transform. 

It's during the process of ascension that self-love becomes more prevalent and acts as a driving force toward purpose, connectivity, and love. It's the process of self-mastery where wholeness, completeness, and total equilibrium are. This is where many supernatural or telepathic encounters take place as our spiritual gifts are defined and heightened. And as we shed our old skin our energetic vibrations reach an inclination that bonds us to divinity and we become all that is enduringly righteous and divine. During this stage of life many experience past life regressions. Because unhealed trauma carries density these memories are often revisited to release hoarded emotions of the past. 

Heaven isn't a place of density, it is a place of sparsity. Spiritual ascension is a journey of coming home. The more dense we are the more we are weighted down with sins and negativity of the past thus we are departed and go down under. The lighter we are, the higher we float. We aren't weighted down by sin or negativity. Thus we enter the gates of heaven.  Spiritual ascension is where our earthly journey ends. This can be seen as Judaism where spirituality precedes religion. This is what we call moksha, and the ultimate reward is our internal peace and happiness. Our ability to cultivate miracles and be a gravitational force for euphoric experiences. 

It's the dismantlement of a driven desire for wealth, power, youth, and all things materialistic and the detachment from this 3D fleeting world of all those who are successful in this process. It is the end of our death and rebirth cycles as all karmic debt is to be repaid. It is the death of the ego so that we can give birth to more light and ground ourselves into our highest level of consciousness. How far you reach in this process is totally up to you and how dedicated you are to healing and evolving. It’s here that your old toxic patterns, belief systems, and self-inhibiting paradigms are released from your psyche, allowing you to dwell in unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, wisdom, and truth. 

The Beauty of Both 

There can not be one without the other. Both spiritual awakening and ascension are beautiful experiences that should be honored and cherished. Likewise so are your relationships and experiences; good or traumatic. Our relationships and experiences are the pathway to reaching deeper levels of awakening and ascension. They challenge us in ways we couldn’t challenge ourselves, and as they draw us closer to ourselves we draw ourselves closer to God; a relationship far better than anything you could ever imagine. Through this integration, we become exonerated as we delve into everything good and recreate ourselves in his image. As we redefine our morals and values and walk in integrity we become our most authentic expression of self. 


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