Do I continue with my job here in the country? Though difficult, I have a great career path. Or should I relocate to the United Kingdom? I heard it’s a better environment there, but what are the chances I would get a good job there? Do I do this or that? yada yada yada. I can bet you have been in this situation quite a number of times.
From pressing matters like the best state to relocate to, to trivial choices such as what should I have for breakfast, making a decision can feel stressful and impossible sometimes. The struggle with indecision is not a nice experience.
Being indecisive can be because you are not confident in your abilities, or you are afraid of making a bad decision. You may also be hitting “Decision fatigue”, or you don’t want to take responsibility for the outcome of the decision you have made. You may also always think that you may have a better option elsewhere. Indecision is not always as bad as we think it is. Sometimes, hesitating gives you time to think very well about the situation in order to make an executive decision. You have the chance to gather more information and weigh the facts or pros against the cons.
If you are unable to make a quick decision, then it means the choice really matters to you. Second-guessing yourself may be a warning that you are probably making the wrong decision. However, indecision should not keep you stuck forever. Most indecisive people are master procrastinators, so working on this aspect of their life can help them to stop being so indecisive.
When you stay too long in the indecision phase, it becomes a bad thing. How long is too long? This will depend on the situation. Will you miss an important opportunity if you wait, or is the decision getting too hard to make? If dwelling too long on the decision can cause you to miss an opportunity, then you have to decide fast.
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