There are many fallacies about feelings of loneliness. Loneliness is always looking for a companion, whether it be a friend or romantic partner. Loneliness, in figurative terms, means you may have many friends and/or a romantic partner, yet that still doesn’t help to combat the feeling of being lonely. There may be times when the people around you just don't resonate with your experiences, or values and core beliefs. The yearning for someone to come along who understands you fully, someone you don’t have to explain your soul to grows strident. Backed by your ego, those feelings of loneliness will always provoke you to look for emotional connections with people who it perceives to be safe; safe from judgment, safe from ridicule, safe from betrayal, safe from emotional pain and suffering.
The truth is, loneliness is what you get when there is a hole in your life that you are consistently trying to fill. And you try to fill this hole with those same emotional connections with people, or possessions, and sometimes pets. Why? Because they bring you a sense of comfort. But it’s that same loneliness that’ll be your constant reminder that the same hole you are trying to fill can never be filled with temporary comfort. And as long as you continue to fill that hole with people or things outside of yourself that hole will remain abyss.
Loneliness can be seen as the first step towards self-awareness. It’s the first step to recognizing that the life you live is not fulfilling. This is usually where your journey of self discovery begins as you find ways to reinvent yourself. It’s important to eliminate factors from your life that make it less fulfilling. For instance, if you work at a job you hate, why do you continue to work there? Discover your true passion. There are things you genuinely love doing, so take the time to figure out what those things are, and do them! If you're in a toxic relationship with a karmic partner that does nothing but fuel your feelings of loneliness and/or unhappiness then why on earth do you continue to stay in it? More than likely it’s the fear of losing security or stability, so your focus should be on rebuilding your foundation so that you can thrive on your own.
There are many causes of loneliness. While the commonest of them is the migration to a new physical location, the loss of a loved one, or a break up in relationships, financial instability may also lead to loneliness. The interplay of these factors could also lead to loneliness in a much more complex way. Whatever the cause, loneliness has negative effects so strong that it may lead to drug abuse, poor decision making, decreased memory and learning, and even suicide. If you are feeling lonely, it is best to seek help to avoid it taking a toll on your physical or mental health. Having someone you can trust to talk to and share your feelings with can make loneliness less burdensome to deal with. Talking to a close friend or an expert can really help you transition from suffering from perpetual loneliness to embarking on that journey of self discovery ultimately leading to a never ending path towards self love and life fulfillment!
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