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Asanti Grisolmn and Abdullah Qureshi • May 12, 2022


In a world filled with self-help books, meditation apps, and life coaches, the buzzword of the hour seems to be "self-commitment." But what does it mean to be self-committed? It's more than just following a trendy self-care regimen; it's about being truly invested in your growth, your future, and your emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental well-being. If you find yourself struggling to muster that commitment, you might be showing some unmistakable signs that you aren't as self-committed as you could be.

Self-commitment is a devotion to yourself in multiple ways that protects and extends your happiness, your internal peace, and most importantly your self-love. Unfortunately many fail to be wholesomely self-committed.  There are factors such as your childhood parental traumas, romanticized experiences that lead to heartbreak, and/or past failures that act as major influences and affect our self-commitment patterns. A lot of the time we tend to look to others for a commitment that we’ve yet to give to ourselves. 

The law of attraction works infinitely to bring people and opportunities into your life that match your energy and efforts. So if you're experiencing commitment issues from your romantic interest or even your closest friends, then 9 times out of 10 you haven’t been fully committing to yourself and a lack of self-commitment equates to a lack of self-love. The universe will continue to work against you as long as you continue to work against yourself. Your dreams will oppose you as long as you continue to oppose yourself.  Your desired outcomes that will bring you the fulfillment in life you envision will continue to evade you as long as you continue to evade yourself by way of self-neglect. Here are 6 intelligent signs that let you know you're not entirely self-committed 

  • You don't think much about the future: If you're sailing through life with no destination in sight and you're more of a "live for the moment" kind of person and find yourself skating through each day without a clue about what future will look like, it's time to hoist the anchor of self-commitment. A ship without a captain is destined to drift and while it's great to live in the present, a lack of future-oriented thinking hinders your personal growth. There's nothing wrong with wanting to savor the present moment. We are encouraged to, but if you are unwilling to plan the next stage of your life and devote yourself to a particular goal, it indicates a fear of commitment. And well, if you can’t commit to your future then how are you being fully committed to yourself? You aren't. 


  • It's difficult to make decisions. In the kingdom of self-commitment, decisiveness is your trusty sword. Indecisiveness is a powerful indicator of a lack of self-commitment. When you're committed to your growth, you have a clear sense of what you want and the determination to make decisions that align with your goals. If choosing what to have for dinner feels like climbing Mount Everest, or if you defer making seemingly little decisions, ignore those bill collectors or financial problems in hopes that they will resolve themselves or overanalyze situations before making a concise decision it's time to reevaluate your commitment to yourself. I'm referring to those times you’ve chosen to wait until the last minute to make crucial life decisions, allowing the consequences of your inaction to force you into action.  If this is you then you're not committing to yourself, you're doing quite the opposite. You're in a loop of self-sabotage. 


  • You put too much effort into things that aren't in alignment with purpose. Are you pouring your energy into tasks, projects, or people that don't resonate with your true passions and desires? True self-commitment means investing your time and efforts in pursuits that genuinely matter to you and are conducive to your purpose. If you're consistently exerting yourself for things or opportunities that leave you feeling unfulfilled, it's time to reassess your priorities. If you're constantly investing your sweat and toil into pursuits that have your soul still yearning to be nourished, it's high time to realign your commitment compass. It's time to truly get self-committed. It's time to love yourself more. 


  • You have a hard time recognizing your innate value and worth. Self-commitment begins with self-worth. When you look in the mirror each day there should be a silent voice that whispers, "You are good enough". If there are subconscious feelings of self-doubt about how worthy you truly are then that is a clear indication of self-negligence. Self-commitment will have you align yourself with ideals or objectives that are personable to you. Things and people that are truly important and not under-serving. When you are self-committed you will never settle for less than you deserve. You are an extraordinary masterpiece waiting to be unveiled.  Struggling to acknowledge your inherent value, is a sign that screams you aren't being fully committed to yourself. 

  • You hardly finish anything you start. Starting projects with enthusiasm only to abandon them midway is a common sign of a lack of self-commitment. It’s a sign of lack of acknowledgment of, or commitment to purpose. When you're genuinely committed to yourself, you'll be committed to your purpose and you’ll curate goals that are in alignment with the fulfillment of said purpose and use the same effort you used to set those goals and standards for yourself to achieve them. You’ll see things through to the end, no matter how challenging they may be because that’s how important you are to yourself. Incomplete goals are a roadblock to your personal development, preventing you from reaping the full benefits of your efforts. If you keep telling yourself, "This isn't for me," or "I'm sure I'll figure something out soon” then there’s a chance that deep down inside the truth is the absolute opposite. It worries you because you desire the objective so badly but you can’t seem to be consistent in your efforts. You would prefer to dwell in avoidance than to make a conscious effort to obtain what you desire. 


  • You seek external validation over internal satisfaction: One significant sign of being less self-committed is constantly seeking validation and approval from others. While it's natural to crave recognition and encouragement, relying solely on external validation can hinder your self-growth journey. True self-commitment involves finding joy, satisfaction, and pride in your accomplishments from within. When you prioritize your internal sense of achievement over the applause of others, you're well on your way to becoming more self-committed.


If you recognize any of these behaviors in yourself, it's never too late to make a change. Start by setting clear goals, making decisions with purpose, and dedicating time to activities that genuinely resonate with your passions and values. Remember, self-commitment is a journey, not a destination. It's about continually improving and investing in yourself, and if you find areas that need growth it’s about exercising self-forgiveness and self-compassion continuously until you’ve evolved beyond those parts of yourself that you dislike; until you’ve evolved into a better version than you were yesterday. Each sign you uncover is a clue, not an indictment. Embrace the journey, for in it lies the opportunity for boundless growth and an extraordinary life filled with miraculous experiences and opportunities.

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