What Is Anger?
Go within a really confined environment surrounded by individuals with opposing life perspectives and disharmony and conflict will be sure to arise. Anger is frequently nothing more than a strong feeling triggered by false perceived injustice, entitlement and loss of control. The truth is anger is actually an archaic response to a lack of adequate inner self-management. Anger's negative consequences are well-known as even minor annoyances that emerge have the potential to quickly escalate and overpower your mental state of being. Anger is a sure sign of emotional immaturity; a lack of one's ability to exercise emotional intelligence.
Anger results in nothing more than loss of opportunity, a destruction of the relationships we value most and stagnation in areas of success and love due to lack of growth and development. Anger is a futile emotion amongst many emotions that aren't of God that exist in the realm we currently inhabit. These kinds of emotions emit low frequencies into the Universe that makes us more susceptible to low quality experiences due to the flawlessly constructed law of attraction. Those who have evolved spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, live a life where anger is obsolete.
The Negative Impact Anger Has On Our Lives
Anger has severe effects on our health, both mental and physical. Holding onto anger or any other negative emotion for that matter accumulates in the body as density. This formulated energetic debris results in blockages in our energy pathways that run in, out and throughout the body. This energy is a part of our consciousness, or what most would like to call it, our soul. Obstructions in our energetic pathways limit our organs ability to function effectively.
That means these obstructions continue to reduce our bodys functionality. This leads to malfunctions that cause under or over production and secretion of hormones which ultimately leads to mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. These obstructions can lead to vertebrae misalignments that affect our posture and cause chronic back pain, inflexibility, and can fester and manifest into various disorders and diseases that are so common in society today. Repressed anger has a tendency to store itself in the gallbladder, kidneys and liver and like generational curses or karmic cycles this accumulation of emotion is passed down through generations from the womb of a mother to a child. When we succumb to anger we experience loss of truth and altered perspectives and clouded judgment.
Anger impairs our ability to make sensible decisions and even contemplate the repercussions of our rash behaviors. When you think about it, there is very little, if any, or no value to being angry. Anger generates so much negative energy that it's difficult to see anything in a positive and empowering light, and it can quickly escalate to intensified scenarios of physical and verbal abuse.
Anger Is Never A Solution
When you’ve lost something very valuable whilst infuriated you can never seem to find it, but once you’ve mellowed into a state of calm it somehow appears right before or right under your nose. This is a perfect example of how under-serving anger can really be. Those who have sufficient knowledge and skills with which to face their problems and find adequate solutions don’t get angry. It's essential and reassuring to know that we have control over our outcomes and how our emotions play a huge part in those outcomes.
Anger is never a solution but always a problem. If someone responds angrily towards you, pray for them for they know not what they do. They have kept themselves from happiness, from love, from peace, from self-authority. They are the ones who are truly suffering. They are the ones who require the most love, compassion and forgiveness.
If we notice that there is a lot of anger and conflict in our lives, and we over-stand how it is undermining our objectives and negatively affecting our emotional well-being, then why not choose to stop living in aggression and opposition? Why not choose to begin moving towards others in a cooperative manner and choose to live in harmony and love? We can begin removing anger from our equation to produce more positive outcomes in our lives resulting in more inner peace, love and happiness.
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