When it comes to patience, the root problem is a lack of acceptance or flexibility. Rather than living in and accepting the present moment, our ego tells us we want it now, and the wait becomes intolerable, making it unbearable to simply “go with the flow”. Patience is the ability to stay calm regardless of difficulty, pain, or irritation. In life you’ll respond to various life situations with patience or with a lack thereof, but exercising patience is a big part of mastering the skill of emotional maturity. Just as exercising improves flexibility, relieves tension, and strengthens the body, exercising patience helps you become generally more flexible, allowing you to tolerate more severe events that would otherwise cause you to burst into rage.
To master the art of patience, is to master inner peace.
Yes, personality does play a factor in why some of us react to life's delays and setbacks with greater composure than others. But your lack of patience is trained behavior and in the end, if you notice that you're more irritable, reactive, and impetuous than you'd like to be, you can make changes to improve your ability to respond patiently. You have the choice to desire and initiate change and it’ll take some practice, but self mastery is worth it because he who loses control is easily controlled. You have been easily controlled or manipulated when you allow outside influences to dictate how you react to situations.
Patience has everything to do with our life fulfillment and at times our own livelihood. How you react to your situations in the present can very well determine the opportunities you're given in the future. An inability to act or respond intelligently and maturely is indeed a form of self sabotage especially when it has the ability to hinder your success and block you from receiving career opportunities that recruit off the basis of character. We must consciously build patience within ourselves and allow things to play out fully before we react or respond, and when we respond, respond intelligently and maturely. So, how do we practice patience?
Mindfulness is one strategy that has been found to improve one ability to be more patient is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a critical strategy to exercising patience. Mindfulness is a disciplined kind of self-awareness that has been described as a critical strategy for improving one's ability to connect with one's inner self with the allowance of deep compassion, love and acceptance which results in an outward expression of deep compassion, love and acceptance for others. You can't really develop patience until you're observant of your surroundings and how you're reacting to them. This may be easy in the face of minor inconveniences, such as standing in line or stuck in traffic, but it can be much more difficult in the midst of a very troubling or extended scenario.
Instead of focusing on the suppression of negative ideas or feelings, mindfulness entails an accepting awareness of reality. Learning to understand thoughts for what they are, and then learning to accept them, can help a person break free from a false sense of reality. It can provide a foundation for a more flexible, value-driven approach to problem-solving by providing a greater understanding of the situation in which we find ourselves. Being aware helps one to actively observe these interrelated states of activity, action, cognition, emotion, and memory, as well as make real-time behavioral adjustments. Making such adjustments in any encounter aims to build a more attuned interaction with another, allowing for a more sympathetic and knowledgeable manner of functioning.
So let’s normalize mindfulness and start exercising patience not just for the betterment of our lives but also for the strengthening of our communities because we are stronger when United.
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