Self-love is all about enjoying who you are. It happens when you take time to know yourself, and appreciate yourself, not telling yourself “I’m not loveable.” You have to be kind to yourself, commit to yourself, and care for yourself. Most importantly you have to accept yourself for who you are. The lack of self-love you have for yourself makes you start looking outside of yourself for love, hoping that someone will overturn the negative judgements you’ve placed upon yourself. How do you know if you lack self-love?
Always Seeking Attention: If you always seek people’s attention and affection, and people describe you as too clingy, you lack self-love. Being needy or insecure can cause you to have behaviours that can become overbearing for other people around you, and it can push them away.
You Wear A Mask: You wear a mask to hide your vulnerability from others. You walk around with an emotional masquerade, hiding your true feelings and emotions. You put on a brave face so that people will think you are strong or aren’t experiencing any problems in life.
Your Relationships Are Chaotic: If you are arrogant, hypersensitive, and self-justifying, you may lack self-love. You are always very defensive and you don’t find it easy to cope with other people very well. This makes it difficult for you to have healthy relationships.
Can’t Communicate Easily: Communicating effectively with other people proves to be very difficult and you don’t have the skillset to express yourself freely without fear of judgment or ridicule. Hence you bottle up all of your thoughts and feelings, which makes you feel like your voice isn’t being heard or you are often being misunderstood. In some cases you feel like your opinions don’t matter.
You’re Too Hard On Yourself: You keep telling yourself that you aren’t doing enough. You may be diminishing your accomplishments and focus on only your failures. You compare yourself to others and focus on your shortcomings, feeling unsatisfied with what you have.
You Are Not Confident: If you don’t love yourself, you will always feel that your opinion and your voice does not matter. Instead of speaking up, you keep quiet and start feeling inferior to others. You always fear being rejected or judged by others.
You Settle For Less: People who lack self-love tend to settle for less than what they deserve or can achieve. They may give up on their dreams and go for something different due to fear of failure or rejection. They often subconsciously feel like they don’t have what it takes to make it.
You Don’t Take Care Of Your Mental And Physical Health: People who lack self-love may neglect their mental or physical health. They won’t work on their happiness, and they turn to alcohol and other substances to cope with their feelings of emptiness. They may also skip meals and overeat.
If this sounds like you then now you know that you lack self-love, and you can begin to work giving yourself all the love and care you need to flourish.
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