Genuine love is unconditional and creates an environment in which one can be our authentic self in the absence of control, resentment, aggression,
belittlement, and
anger. Genuine love inspires healing, growth, change, and evolution of self. Any form of love that does not reinforce this healthy environment is characterized by abuse or
It's not always obvious when you're in an abusive relationship. Abuse can often be subtle and undetectable as many people aren't able to identify what abuse looks like. Abuse comes in different forms, such as sexual and physical violence or exploitation, emotional or psychological manipulation, and verbal brutality. The abuse of love can often be hidden in the illusion of imitation. Imitation love is often developed in the
emotional attachment styles we form with people. Love that is based on the desire to mimic or copy someone else's feelings or actions toward another person is not genuine or
because it is not based on one's true feelings and emotions. Imitation love can be a form of manipulation or deception, and it often stems from a fear of being
or inadequate in expressing one's emotions.
It is a form of power imbalance where the abuser uses the victim's love and trust to control them. Abuse of love can have long-lasting psychological and emotional effects on the victim and may require professional intervention and support to overcome. Let’s explore a few signs indicating an abuse of love.
You Are Worthy And Deserving of Genuine Love
Genuine love is a constant connectedness. It’s a deep and sincere affection toward someone that isn’t based on superficial aspects such as physical appearance, social status, material possessions, or pretenses. Instead, it stems from a heartfelt soul-embedded connection and mutual respect and admiration. Genuine love is selfless and unconditional — a love where you both prioritize the happiness, well-being, and personal growth of the person you love as much as you prioritize your own. It involves trust, loyalty, honesty, forgiveness, empathy, and effective communication and is an advocate for self-love. If you've been a sufferer behind the wheel of the abuse of love I want to take a moment to express how worthy of love you truly are. Sometimes, we forget the importance of such a simple concept, but I want to remind you that even in those moments of
self-doubt you are worthy of genuine love.
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