The illusion of being safer than you are is all too easy to slip into. You eventually get complacent about necessary things, and the effort required to adapt to change is non-existent. When we pay attention to the underlying desires that motivate us to be able to achieve our goals, Security is one of the main motivations.
People are relocating to locations that are considered to be more secure. They safeguard their assets and their life. We wear seatbelts and have a slew of safety features built into our automobiles, if not our lives. This is a fact that cannot be denied. We all have a certain amount of control. Nonetheless, there are aspects over which we have no control. We all want some sense of security. We pay a great deal of money, and exert optimal effort, basically going through a great extent just to feel safe. And yet after all our trouble something gets through our protective shield because the fact remains that there are aspects over which we have no control. Perhaps it is as Helen Keller suggested in the second half of that often quoted statement "Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure, Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."
So instead of being misled with the illusion of Security until it is shattered by something. One must accept that Security is illusory, or at best only temporary, and enjoy the sense of Security while remembering that it is an illusion, that the world is chaotic, and that that sense of security can be taken away at any time. This is yet another of life's paradoxes, things that appear to contradict one another because of the all or nothing black or white perception that one's brain tries to fit everything into but exist concurrently and in accordance.
However, if you think about it, you'll immediately discover that Security is a lie. "Security is primarily a superstition," stated Hellen Keller. It doesn't exist in nature, and neither do the children of men as a whole experience it." If you've ever lost anything you thought provided stability — a parent, a marriage, a home, or a career — you've experienced the dissolution of that illusion.
Jordan B. Peterson, a professor and clinical psychologist, said profoundly, "There is no security outside of one's ability to contend, adapt, and evolve," Change is unavoidable, and it frequently occurs at the expense of the current structure of the conceptual framework of our life experience. As a result, looking only on the outside reinforces the illusion of Security, whereas looking within reveals the truth that liberates us from that illusion.
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