Have you had somebody make a decision or take action just on the notion that they assumed a likely outcome based on societal belief systems? Yes, I can bet this has happened loads of times before, and will most likely go on happening throughout your entire life. It can be really frustrating, right?
Predicting outcomes and making decisions based on what you’ve heard or past experiences usually has negative effects, as it can be a fast track to self-sabotage. Often we fall prey to societal belief systems that tell us how things should be, like love, and relationships. Other times, we’ve experienced traumatic or heart breaking experiences that we’ve never truly detached from and we base our decisions on the basis of fear; fear that history will repeat itself.
You may notice that your current romantic partner shares a similar character trait of someone in the past who took advantage of you. You see those actions as red flags but rather than observing and taking mental notes, you’ve allowed your ego and attachment to past experiences to cause you to make the assumption that your new partner has a hidden agenda and more than likely will take advantage of you too, just like that person did from your past.
This is what’s called predicated assumptions and can be very detrimental as the behavioral patterns that people exhibit can constantly lead you to think the worst of a situation or of a person. But we have to be open to the possibility that such behavioral patterns when looked at from afar might seem alarming but when you venture into it, you’ll realize things weren’t actually what they appeared to be.
Sometimes the assumptions you formulate could stem from the people around you that invoke you to draw inferences from scenarios that are far from the truth. They paint it in such a way that closes your mind to positive possibilities hence you can see nothing good coming out of that situation or relationship. And in the end the only one left feeling unfulfilled is you. Predicated assumptions can keep you from receiving all the good things the universe has to offer.
Before assumptions are made, it is best to gather as much information as possible and most importantly communicate effectively so that you can come to a proper inference and make the best decision for the betterment of your life. Predicated assumptions could stem from suspicious actions but there’s always two sides to every story and there’s a grey area in between every black and white. Jay Z said it himself “believe nothing you hear and half of what you see”. We must learn to do away with all the pent up suspicion and slowly dwindle the urge to assume the worst of every situation or out of people.
Behind every action taken there’s a reason and behind every reason should lie understanding. Open up your heart to every possibility, you can't be stopped! My take on it is not to base huge decisions and actions on predicated assumptions that haven’t been properly verified. You will most likely exhaust yourself mentally and miss the many abundant and much desired opportunities that's knocking at your door.
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