Emotionally unavailable people show no or very mild affection and the latter happens on a rare basis. Displays of affection are something the emotionally unavailable typically avoid. These individuals have no idea on how to use physical touch, word of affirmations, and often have a deep fear of intimacy. and they often try to avoid showing affection.
Since happy and healthy relationships, both romantic and platonic, are based on openness, mutual respect, honesty, and trust, it can be very difficult to understand and deal with people who are emotionally unavailable. While you might think emotionally unavailable people are purposely hurting you, their actions are truly unintentional and they actually also tend to hurt themselves by acts of self-sabotage. Most of the time it’s the underlying feelings of unworthiness and shame that cause them to self-sabotage connections that seem “too good to be true”. “When people put you down so much you start to believe it and somehow the bad things are so much easier to believe”. They develop this subconscious belief system that the love they’ve always prayed and longed for is unattainable.
Check out these signs to know if you're emotionally unavailable or dealing with someone who may be emotionally unavailable:
So why are people emotionally unavailable?
Of course, no one is born cold hearted or without feelings and the desire for connectedness. Neither was it taught. People who are emotionally unavailable often grow up in homes where emotions aren’t shared or expressed, homes where there is emotional childhood neglect. The fear of history repeating itself often exists from past failed relationships. The wounding from past relationships or encounters can create trauma in relation to fear of abandonment or rejection, feelings of unworthiness or shame.
So how do you deal with an emotionally unavailable person?
Acknowledge that their behavior is a result of past traumatic experiences. It’s important to exercise patience, remain kind, loving and nurturing whilst still providing the right amount of distance between you two. You are allowed to protect your energy and constantly offering love and support without reciprocation will become emotionally draining. You want to make sure you respect their space and boundaries as well as your own. This is not something you can help fix. Be supportive and allow them to fix this on their own through a series of self healing.
If you’ve discovered that you are emotionally unavailable then this may be the right time for you to embark on your journey of self healing. Most healing is done when you allow yourself to be alone and sit with yourself and your thoughts in silence. Journaling, meditations and if you can afford it, talking to a therapist are great healing methods. Wishing you much love on your self healing journey. Namaste.
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