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Asanti Grisolm and Abdullah Qureshi • May 12, 2022


Fear. It's a four-letter word that packs a punch. It can grip our hearts, cloud our judgment, and leave us feeling paralyzed. But what if I told you that fear is often nothing more than an illusion, a trick our minds play on us? Fear, my friend, is a cunning illusionist. It's that unexpected guest who shows up uninvited to your life's party, only to hijack the DJ booth and play the worst possible tracks. From anxiety-laden scenarios to paralyzing self-doubt, fear is a master of deception. But it's time to expose this illusion for what it truly is and reclaim the spotlight for ourselves once more.

Decisive action will become a thing of normality when we arise to the conclusion that our biggest adversary is indeed ourselves. We’ve honed our skills at imagining worst-case scenarios and are truly experts at instilling worry into our thoughts. Even when things are going exemplary well, some of us have already cultivated a negative perception that good things never last forever or that if something appears too good then it must be too good to be true. It’s the false narratives we tell ourselves that leave us plummeting into the depths of fear and worry over simple uncertainty. You're standing at the edge of a diving board, ready to leap into the unknown. Your heart races, your palms sweat, and your mind races through a rollercoaster of "what-ifs." It's the illusion of fear, a formidable opponent that can either shackle you to the board or launch you into a thrilling dive.

The illusion of fear is like a thick fog that obscures our path to success. It skews our perception, making us question our abilities and the possibility of reaching our goals and fulfilling our wildest dreams. It's a vindictive spirit that thrives on worst-case scenarios, but worst-case scenarios don’t exist, and if they don’t exist then how can we fear them? Negative thought patterns are merely our egos’ attempt at control. Bad things never happen to good people. Good people are a gravitational force for life changing experiences and these life changing experiences produce a pain the alters not a pain that hurts. These life changing experiences are what make good people evolve into great people that leave revolutionary imprints on this world and the people who inhabit it. 

Fear is not a prediction of the future. Fear is a projection of internal chaos. It’s a call to action to shift your awareness to those aspects of yourself that need improvement such as your mental and emotional stability because fear is a projection of its lack thereof. It’s a call to action to strengthen your faith and will in the divine for faith cannot truly exist where fear lives. Fear is nothing more than a false sense of reality doctored to hinder our strides toward the unleashment of our divine power and unveiling of our full potential.
"The knowledge that you are not 'the thinker' is the beginning of freedom." You are not your fears; you do not need to own them. Instead, acknowledge them and proceed with what you must do, regardless of their presence. Through practice, you will inch closer to a life where fear plays a minor role.” - Eckhart Tolle So how do we begin our conquest to conquer our fears?


  • Feel The Fear: The first step in conquering fear is to acknowledge it. Allow yourself to experience the physical sensations that come with it – the racing heart, the shallow breaths, the clammy palms. These bodily responses are not signals of impending disaster but messengers of growth. When we permit ourselves to feel fear without resistance, it becomes a gateway to clarity. We see that fear is not an undefeatable enemy but a paper tiger easily torn apart when faced directly with exuberant courage.


  • Take Positive Action Forward: Successful individuals overstand that action is the antidote to fear. They take calculated risks and assume responsibility for their choices, regardless of lurking fear. When self-doubt and fear hold you hostage, remember the power of being unreasonable. Sometimes, the most logical course of action is to stop overthinking and take the leap of faith. As you step into action, you often realize the irrationality of the fear that once held you captive. When confronted with a challenge, seek out positive actions that can propel you forward. This shift in focus from problems to possibilities is the key to dismantling the illusion of fear.


  • Strengthen Your Character And Faith:  A noble person has nothing to fear for God will never be his undoing. God supports and protects all those who walk a path of morality and virtue. As you uphold your modesty and integrity, Father shall uphold you. All those who truly have a connection with the divine and are encased in the spirit of righteousness have no need for fear for fear is a wasteful spirit and there is spirit more powerful than God. If your character does not propel you and integrity does not secede you then of course you absolutely have something to fear.


  • Learn From Failure: Failure serves as an excellent instructor. When you face your fears head on and things don't go as planned, view it as a valuable lesson rather than a catastrophe.


You don't have to own the fears that are cultivated by your ego and certainly the ego need not be in a position to be the governor of your mind. The more you practice these strategies the closer you’ll be to existing in the absence of fear. immerse yourself in nurturing environments that fosters personal development and a positive mindset. Take small steps outside your comfort zone, gradually expanding your horizons and strengthening the bond you have with divinity and that will ultimately lead to the strengthening of the bond you have with yourself. Remember fear is a barrier, not a boundary and we alone have the power to break through that barricade with tenacity, grace, gratitude, courage and a pure heart. Embrace the beauty of the unknowns, the lessons in your failures, and the limitless potential within you. 

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