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Asanti Grisolmn • May 12, 2022



A sense of entitlement is a personality trait that stems from a person's belief that they are entitled to special treatment or recognition for things they did not earn. This is a psychological condition characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a strong desire to get something for little to nothing. However, a false sense of entitlement imposes limitations on our mental, emotional, and socioeconomic growth. We can’t extend forward if we’re resistant to self-awareness and opposing accountability

A false sense of entitlement can create stagnation in the following ways; 


  1. Limits our ability to learn. This self-sabotaging mindset limits your willingness to learn. When you believe that you deserve something without putting in the necessary effort or work, you become complacent and stop learning. This false sense of entitlement makes you feel as if you already have all the answers, and you become blind to the opportunities around you to learn and grow.
  2. Creates unrealistic expectations. A sense of entitlement makes you think you deserve something, even if it's unrealistic or impossible. This leads to disappointment and frustration when things don't go as planned. As a result, you lose the motivation to work hard and achieve your goals.
  3. Hinders your ability to adapt. A false sense of entitlement leads to resistance to change, making it difficult for you to adapt to new situations or ideas. Instead of being open to new perspectives or feedback, you tend to stick to your views, believing that you are always right.
  4. Damages your relationships. When you have a sense of entitlement, you tend to think that others are there to serve you. This makes it difficult to build healthy relationships because you don't consider others' needs or their perspectives.
  5. Limits your potential. A false sense of entitlement can prevent you from reaching your full potential. Instead of pushing yourself to be the best you can be, you are content with mediocrity, believing that you deserve everything without earning it.

Let’s explore 8 signs that indicate you may have a false sense of entitlement; 

  1. You feel you deserve more than what you have: You believe that the world owes you more and that it’s the responsibility of others to improve so that you can feel happier. This is a negative perception and an unrealistic expectation. The reality is we are responsible for the lives we choose to live. God will hold us accountable for the choices we make and don't make. Change is best when initiated and not forced. Yet unfortunately because a false sense of entitlement mentality causes one to resist change,  one’s life will be filled with conflict and chaos every time the Universe has to force movement. Great lifestyles require healthy choices, which leads to healthy environments, and collaborating with like energies to create harmonious bonds or relationships. 
  2. You Have A Double Standard: You never seem to find an opportunity to offer to repay a favor. You seem to be the only one always in desperate need, thereby undermining the challenges of others. To undermine the challenges of others means to belittle or diminish the difficulties or obstacles that someone else may be facing. This can be done intentionally or unintentionally, but it can be harmful as it can invalidate someone's struggles and make them feel unsupported or unheard. It is important to validate and acknowledge the challenges that others may be facing, even if they seem trivial to us. Your challenges are no more significant than the challenges of another. Our challenges will always only be as difficult as our ability to cope with them. So if you cope easily then your challenges will be easy to overcome. 
  3. You think everyone competes with you: Growing up in a household with limited resources and constant struggle can create a sense of insecurity and fear that makes it difficult for someone to trust others and feel safe. This often leads to a mindset of "survivor mode," where they constantly feel like they need to protect themselves from potential harm or danger. To someone with a false sense of entitlement, everyone is either a threat to their low self-image or a rival that they must continuously monitor to stay ahead of or to simply keep up with and sometimes avoid. You may act defensively and feel threatened by others' successes as this mindset leads to feelings of isolation and mistrust of others. You’ll be prone to comparing yourself to others constantly and feeling envious or resentful, and most commonly, those with a false sense of entitlement often become hyper-focused on achieving their own goals at the expense of building relationships with others. 
  4. You Justify Your Anger: Conflict is nothing new to the self-entitled. You have a ruthless, narcissistic posture that justifies you, with bursts of anger that rival any tantrum a child might have. This rage can burn invisibly, indicating your disdain for people around you that manifests outward as an overly critical attempt to explain and defend your feelings of anger by presenting reasons that support your emotions. This may involve sharing the actions or behaviors of another person that have resulted in your anger or expressing frustration over a particular situation or circumstance. But justifying anger doesn’t help others overstand why you are feeling upset, on the contrary, it leaves you feeling dejected by them. It’s important to practice effective communication and avoid attacking or blaming others in the process. Practicing self-awareness and self-regulation is essential as anger is a powerful emotion that can lead to hurtful actions and damage relationships.
  5. You Only Care About Your Own Needs: If you are nearly never willing to compromise and give to others due to your own needs for self-preservation then you are undoubtedly living in survivor mode with a false sense of entitlement. You will be determined to hoard your finances as you strive toward financial freedom with the thought that you merely want to help others but this is a falsehood. There is a layer of denialism that exists that needs to be dismantled because those who truly desire to give will give freely without second thoughts about how they will survive because they know they are supported by a higher power and that all of their needs will be met. After all, they’ll never go unprovided for.  When we are genuine at heart we are completely selfless and are willing to sacrifice and give without expectation of receiving something in return and without thoughts of it resulting in loss or lack.  Those who live wholesomely and give to the right people will be blessed and those who give and give to the right people and are integrity-filled will be highly favored. 
  6. You Continuously Seek Attention: People with a false sense of entitlement are often attention seekers growing up in a household of lack leaves you seeking external validation from others in various ways. You will feel urged to engage in behavior that is intended to draw attention to you, such as speaking loudly or acting exaggeratedly. You may dress provocatively or unconventionally, or use social media to constantly post selfies or updates about your life—being boastful and soliciting your exploits. Attention seekers may also seek attention through negative behavior, such as starting drama or creating conflict with others. They often have an insatiable need for attention and may become upset or angry if they do not receive the attention they desire.
  7. You Cut Others Off Easily: You don't feel like you're supported by people. Instead, you look at them as pliable and usable objects. You are drawn to people who are beneficial for you and can provide you with something. After they've served their role, you don't waste any more time cutting them off because you’ve adapted to societal norms that taught you to prioritize self-interest over collective well-being. In individualistic cultures, people tend to value their own needs and goals over those of others. 
  8. You Can’t Get Over Your Self-Pity: Those who have a false sense of entitlement often also suffer from a victim's mentality, which breeds laziness stagnation, and lack of accountability. Your mind supplies you with a plethora of reasons to avoid accepting responsibility or taking accountability for your actions and accepting consequences. You’d rather dwell in bouts of self-loathing rather than initiate change and l refute the fact that it’s in your power to do so. You blame your circumstances for reasons why you can’t do something or make the necessary changes. Your life is filled with excuses rather than solutions to all your problems. 

Every single person on this Earth's surface and above as is below has flaws. Nonetheless, the goal is to learn more about how to be a better person every day. It's our responsibility to examine ourselves, assess how we treat others and aim to be progressively outstanding examples of human beings. It's important to recognize this and other conditioned behaviors that play a factor in our self-hindrance and change the way we govern ourselves. Our evolution is always one step beyond our initiation of change. 

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