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Asanti Grisolmn and Abdullah Qureshi • May 12, 2022

Who Are You?

Beyond the labels, titles, and social masks you wear, there's a profound essence at your core waiting to be discovered. In a world that constantly pushes us to identify with external markers such as jobs, status, and race, we often lose sight of our true selves. The ego, always eager to shape and protect these identities, keeps us detached from our authentic selves. But beneath the layers of these constructed identities, we are something much more profound and limitless.

The personas we adopt in our daily lives, though a part of who we are, do not define our entirety. To truly overstand who we are, it's essential to peel back the layers of these superficial identities and connect with the radiant core of your being. Imagine an actor who becomes so absorbed in their role that they forget who they are outside the script. In much the same way, we get lost in the roles we play, neglecting our authentic selves, which are far more profound and multifaceted.

Your name, your job title, your social standing—these are merely the costumes your ego wears in the grand play of life. They serve a purpose in the world, but they should not define your sense of self. Beneath it all, you are a unique expression of the universe. Your soul is your true essence, and it's the source of your boundless potential.

To uncover your soul's true nature, you must set out on a journey of self-discovery. This journey requires looking within and asking profound questions. What are your deepest values, dreams, and passions? What brings you joy and fulfillment? What do you love when no one is watching? These are the signposts that guide you to your true self.

Our personalities are like the flavors that make us unique, the intricate brushstrokes on the canvas of our souls. They are the colors we choose to express ourselves, but they are not the canvas itself. A painter who identifies only with the strokes of his brush does not realize that his masterpiece outdoes the individual marks. In the same way, we often get caught up in our roles, not realizing that our true essence, the canvas of our souls, is much deeper. 

Getting to know your true self is not a one-time event; it's an ongoing process of self-discovery. As you peel back the layers of false identity, you uncover the radiant light at your core. This light is the source of your intuition, your inner wisdom, and your capacity for deep self-love. It's through the process of self-discovery that we develop the core values and principles that govern our lives. It's where our hidden desires, passions, and pet peeves are unveiled.

Our very experiences are a form of self-discovery because it's through experiences we learn more about ourselves and uncover hidden truths and emotional aspects worth overstanding, but the truth is we don’t necessarily have to embark on journeys that lead to painful endings just to learn more about who we are. There are easier ways to navigate through life and delve into the depths of self-discovery. We don’t have to spend 3 years at a job just to conclude that we hate what we do. We don’t have to waste 5 years of our lives in a
situationship just to acknowledge that the person we thought was for us was just a learning curve, a step in the right direction toward discovering who we are and what we want out of life. 

So, how do you connect with your soul — that highest level of consciousness burning with the desire to unite with mind and body once more? We've decided to put together these 6 simple steps toward self-discovery, which serve as a simple yet insightful "road map" to help you find the answers you've been seeking.


  • Face your demons: Most times we are afraid to address those shadow aspects of ourselves that aren’t a reflection of who we are but are negative behavioral patterns that need changing. Facing our inner demons or confronting our fears and past traumas can be a transformative journey that helps us discover ourselves more deeply. By confronting your demons you're forced to confront aspects of yourself you might have been avoiding or denying. This process increases self-awareness, helping you overcome the sources of your fears and challenges, and opening the door to emotional healing, love, and compassion. By facing past traumas and unresolved issues, you can work through the associated emotions and begin the process of healing which ultimately leads to emotional resilience and a more profound overstanding and acceptance of yourself and others. More self-awareness leads to better relationships with depth positive perception and personal growth helping you evolve more into your most authentic expression of self.

  • Explore Your Passions: A day spent exploring a passion can teach you more about yourself than a year spent doing work you despise. Passion generates the consistent effort that leads to a meaningful life. Your passion is the key to ignite and unleash your creativity. Discovering your true passion will put you on the right career path and you’ll spend the rest of your life doing something you love and that’s fulfilling rather than doing something you hate or simply don’t enjoy.

  • Clarify Your Core Values: Knowing your core values provides a good foundation for making decisions, and decisions are what make us who we are. You increase your chances of success in anything you undertake by defining your underlying principles through self-discovery. Your core values are also important when it comes to developing healthier relationships with people because, with a drop in overstanding and alignment with your core values, you develop a healthier more committed relationship with yourself. 

  • Journal and meditate. To get to know someone, you must spend time with them. In the same way, you must spend time getting to know yourself to create a healthy relationship with yourself that will influence the type of relationships you’ll have with others. We can't get to know ourselves if we’re continuously surrounded by noise, friends, and family, or are constantly engaged with things to accomplish. Taking time spent in solitude to journal and meditate encourages us to think deeply about our thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It provides a structured space for self-reflection, allowing you to explore your inner world while developing an emotional awareness. As we grow more aware of our emotions and their underlying causes we’re able to heal trauma identify patterns in our emotional responses and strengthen our emotional intelligence. We develop clarity of thought and experiences and can organize our ideas and gain clarity on complex issues. This clarity can lead to a deeper level of overstanding of not just ourselves, our beliefs and values, but of others and spiritual truth. It's a safe space of exploration free from judgment for self-discovery, self-improvement, and a deeper overstanding of your true self.

  • Lend a helping hand. Volunteering often involves working with diverse groups of people and in various situations. This exposure can lead to self-reflection as you learn how you react to different challenges and interact with others. It can help you overstand your values, and strengths, and open your eyes to areas for growth. Volunteering fosters empathy and compassion, helping you connect with your own emotions and values on a deeper level. When you volunteer, you often take on new roles and responsibilities. This can lead to the discovery of new skills and interests you may not have been aware of previously and more significantly an awareness of purpose and fulfillment, providing clarity of who you are and what you stand for.

  • Connect with nature. Nature evokes a sense of interconnectedness, reminding us that we are part of a vast, intricate web of life. This can deepen your overstanding of spiritual concepts related to unity and oneness. The best things in life are the things that we feel not what's seen or heard. 

When you indulge in self-discovery you’re permitting yourself to explore the depths of your soul and allowing yourself to engage in endless self-love and acceptance.  Eliminating time wasted on waking up and going to jobs you hate or dating people who aren’t in alignment with your future and purpose opens up space to limitless possibilities in the realms of euphoric experiences. You can easily make the right choices and be selective, it’s your divine right. Filter out the “haves and have-nots”, and move closer into alignment with who you truly are at the core of your essence. 

So many times relationships fall simply because we haven’t taken the time to get to know ourselves better. Thus we leave self-discovery to chance, which leads to wasted time and painful experiences. Likewise, with our career choices, instead of taking the time to discover our passion and purpose and seeking out positions that are in alignment with what brings us joy, we adopt a settler mentality and leave our lives in the hands of the universe to be forcibly balanced. But we have the capacity to create pathways that will be unquestionably supported by the highest power. 

So, take a moment to ask yourself: Who are you, truly, at the soul level of your being? As you explore this question, you’ll find that the answer is more beautiful than you ever imagined. There is enrichment in the lives of the self-actualized that brings remarkably immense feelings of gratification. Take the easier road so seldom traveled toward self-discovery.  It's worth the same time and energy that those chances you took that led to painful experiences cost you. 

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